Having A Well Designed Mobile Site
If you happen to have been born before 1995 then you’ve been able to witness the internet first come online, and grow from fun, interesting new phenomena into a common utility that most of the world can’t function without. In the span of that time we’ve also witnessed the advent of the mobile phone and mobile internet. This has changed the way most Americans, and the rest of the world, access the internet on a daily basis. Unless you have specific work that needs to be performed on a desktop or laptop, most everything can be done simply using a mobile device. Some apps are not even accessible on a traditional computer. It is critical, therefore, to ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices. It is highly likely that the majority of the traffic to your website will be via mobile phones. Your website has to be not only accessible on mobile devices, but attractive, legible, and easy to navigate.

Here are a few statistics to consider:

  • In January 2019, 4.4 billion people were active internet users and 3.5 billion were social media users.
  • In the US, consumers spent 90% of their time on mobile in apps.
  • Mobile internet has grown 504% in daily media consumption since 2011.
  • 76% of US citizens use their phones to open and respond to emails while watching TV.
  • 55.4% of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones as of June 2021.


When accessing your site, either with a direct link, or via a search engine, your website has to load quickly and completely. You also have to make sure the link to your website is easy to remember. And to be clear, a Facebook page does not qualify as a website.


If your website is not attractive and appealing to the eye, people are not going to want to spend any length of time looking at it to read what you’re about. The colors have to work together in the same scheme. Also, avoid using flashing banners, or pictures that scroll too quickly. The fonts used need to be professional – no Comic Sans or experimenting with too many different fonts.


Websites do not automatically transfer completely as-is from desktop to mobile. If you try to access a website that is not optimized for mobile you can tell when it’s not. The header won’t line up, the menu is off the screen or in the middle of the page, you have to scroll right and left in order to view the entire page, and some of the text may overlap. This can make it almost impossible for someone to read your website, let alone find any of the information or content you want them to find.

Easy to Navigate

Your mobile site has to be user-friendly, so that the least tech-savvy individual can easily find their way around. If it is not easy to use, they will quickly click away and find another site that is. The menu has to be visible and easy to access. The links have to open to the correct pages. The content has to remain visible and not leak off-screen. And the images have to be optimized so they don’t take too long to load.

All of these aspects have to be taken into consideration when you are planning and designing your website. If it is not optimized for mobile use, and the website appears disjointed when opened on a mobile device, the user will exit your site and find one that is optimized. If you are interested in our website design services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at RYNO Strategic Solutions today!