If YOU ever receive an email request for personal information, payments, or asked to click on a link, please always investigate further. You can usually detect a fake email by looking at the from email address. Recently, some clients have received emails from fake email addresses representing themselves as our CEO, Chris Yano. These emails and requests for payments should be deleted immediately.
Check out our infographic to help your team on how to spot a phishing email 👇
Don’t be fooled by this email phishing scam that may have come from your Contact Form Submission on your website…
See a few examples below that some of our clients have received:
Rest assured, these emails, are in fact a scam. A phishing scam can come in many different forms such as an email, social media message, text, and contact form submission via your website. Initially, this email could seem legitimate, however, if you take a closer look you can see that the ultimate goal of this is to – get you to click on the link. Whatever you do, do not click on the link . The link will likely lead to something that may compromise your computer.
To further understand this phishing scam, here at RYNO we have the rights to all images we use for our websites. Two of our core values are communication and transparency – if there was ever an issue like this you would be hearing from us directly not someone outside the organization. We want you to be aware and informed and know that you can count on us.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We are happy to help!