To the Point Home Services Podcast

The Home Services Podcast That Gives Back

Episode 102: Best of 2021

January 11, 2022

Episode 102: Best of 2021

Published: January 11, 2022


We’re back from our very first break, and ready to kick ass! We hope you had a wonderful New Year’s, and are just as ready to join us along for the ride for the next 12 months. We have lots of great things lined up for 2022, but before we get started, we love to take a quick visit down memory lane and remember the lessons and laughs we had over the last year.

Back in 2021, we had plenty of fun and gained a TON of valuable information and wisdom from our incredible guests and guest co-hosts. From our 7 Centers of Management Attention series with Ken Goodrich to having on industry legends such as Terry Nicholson, Joe Cunningham, Joe Crisara, Dave Geiger, and Leland Smith, we’ve had no shortage of great episodes. From home services business owners to M&A experts and everything in between, we are so grateful to have so many great guests and a growing community of loyal listeners.

We started this podcast to give back to you. We love the home services industry and the incredible people who work in it, and are so humbled and thankful to have the opportunity to serve. It is our hope that you find great value from To The Point, whether that’s enjoying a quick laugh on your daily commute or employing some new strategy you picked up on the podcast to make yourself or your business better and better.


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