To the Point Home Services Podcast

The Home Services Podcast That Gives Back

Episode 179: The History of RYNO - An American Dream

July 18, 2023

Episode 179: The History of RYNO - An American Dream

Published: July 18, 2023


On today’s episode, Chris speaks at the 2023 American Dream Event, live from Houston, Texas. Chris tells the story of his early beginnings as a country boy in Indiana, bull riding and detasseling corn.

He talks about the turning point in his life where he started to make major moves and how he and Anna Yano (CFO of RYNO and wife to Chris) built the company from the ground up. From the early days of Brickyard Marketing to RYNO Strategic Solutions and what it is today, this is a personal and inspirational story of two people that started with nothing but confidence and a dream and built their own kingdom from scratch.

American Dream Event 2023

The American Dream Event is the biggest conference for Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs nationwide. It is hosted by Stephen Martinez, the author of “American Dream.” Stephen’s mission is to help aspiring and established Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs grow their businesses and achieve their goals professionally.

The American Dream Event hosts many inspirational speakers and business owners from across the U.S. to speak to a massive crowd of eager entrepreneurs trying to get their businesses off the ground or take things to the next level. The event is a two-day conference where guests get insider tips from some of the most successful business owners in the country, both Spanish speaking and non.

In this episode, you’ll hear Chris talk about:
  • Chris Yano’s Backstory
  • RYNO’s 15 Year Journey
  • The Lore of Brickyard Marketing
  • Where RYNO is at Today
  • The Inspiration to go and do the THING!

More About Chris!

Chris Yano is the CEO of RYNO Strategic Solutions, THE leading Digital Marketing company in the home services industry for the last fifteen years, and the host of the number one Home Services Podcast, To The Point. Chris is a seasoned entrepreneur, investor, and humanitarian that cares about his employees as much as the success of his business. He has over 500 speaking engagements under his build that include workshops, online seminars, and, most importantly, sharing his secrets to successful digital marketing strategies in the home services industry.

Want to hear more Chris-isms and marketing advice? Check out the next episode of To The Point and listen to last week’s!

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