To the Point Home Services Podcast

The Home Services Podcast That Gives Back

Episode 183: Call Coaching Tips to Max Every Call

August 15, 2023

Episode 183: Call Coaching Tips to Max Every Call

Published: August 15, 2023


How important is the person answering your calls, and how much focus are you putting into that aspect of your business? Can improving your CSRs make a difference in your sales and customer satisfaction? To dive into this topic, we bring on RYNO Strategic Solutions‘s very own Customer Service Trainer, Liz Patel!

On last week’s episode, we talked about demand leads being down in the home services industry and really everywhere. So, what do we do? Well, one of the most impactful areas of your business you can improve internally is often whoever is answering the phones. The CSR role is so often overlooked, but today it’s getting its well-deserved moment in the spotlight!

Don’t Overlook Your CSRs!

Liz Patel has been in the customer service industry for over 20 years, and has a true passion for improving customer service and the customer experience. She has worked with hundreds of contractors and listened to hundreds of thousands of calls in her career, and sees a pattern. Regardless of the size of the contractor, CSRs are often not given the coaching and support they should have!

It can be a bit scary for some contractors who may not have changed their call flow in years, or maybe don’t have the processes and pieces in place to support their CSRs to the level needed. That’s no excuse to not improve! There are some simple things you can do TODAY, and after you hear all of the areas of your business CSRs can impact…you’ll want to do get started now!

In this episode, we talk about:
  • What makes an effective CSR
  • Key metrics and KPIs to track for your CSR team
  • Industry standards for booking rates, call times, and more
  • Ways to increase your booking rates
  • The direct correlation between CSRs and Sales
  • And more!

Are Your Ready to Improve?

Today’s world is way too competitive to not focus on improving the things that drive your business forward. If you aren’t doing it well, someone else is. Your CSRs are a key factor in so many key metrics that make a business successful to ignore them! Even if you’re answering the phones yourself, there’s more you can do to improve.

Get started today by looking at our recent blog post on sales training tips for your CSRs!

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