How Does It Work?
Search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing each have their own algorithms, or rules, which help them determine a websites validity and value when an Internet user enters a search query. If your website is a match, your website will magically appear in the results. Okay, so it’s not magic. The search engine’s very long and very confusing algorithm will determine your ability to appear—or not.
The hardest part is figuring out what exactly this algorithm is, and how to conquer it. Unfortunately, the algorithms change frequently, with major changes occurring almost yearly, leaving you back at square one. In fact, Google very recently updated its current algorithm (known as Google Panda) with its latest changes, the Google Penguin update. This latest effort by Google focuses on aspects such as back-linking, keyword stuffing, meta data, and duplicate content, to name a few.
RYNO Strategic Solutions’s very own SEO Analyst, Jaclyn, had this to say about the latest SEO game-changer: “It is more important than ever for companies to create useful, unique content for their customers. Fortunately, we were proactive in anticipating this update from Google and our clients have received a minimal impact in their rankings. This update re-emphasizes the need for small-medium size businesses to partner with a reputable SEO company.”
If you are a go-it-alone marketer for your business, your efforts may not be as effective as you would like to think. As an Internet Marketing company working with clients of all types and sizes, our expert team has the knowledge, tools, and most importantly, the time to devote to your company’s SEO efforts specifically. Adam’s advice? “Do your research and look for SEO companies who have happy clients in your industry. Going at it alone is risky business in today’s SEO world. There’s simply too much to handle for most small businesses to do this properly in their spare time.”
Contact us today for more information on our successful SEO services and packages!
Sources: 1Netcraft Web Server Survey June 2012