May 6

Email Phishing Scam

If YOU ever receive an email request for personal information, payments, or asked to click on a link, please always investigate further. You can usually detect a fake email by looking at the from email address. Recently, some clients have received emails from... Read More

March 4

5 Tips to Shooting Better Video on Your Smartphone

Producing video content is an important business practice that many companies often neglect. Videos are an effective way to reach your audience or consumer because they are engaging, entertaining and easy to digest. They can also be used to help generate leads or... Read More

November 30

Does PPC Impact SEO?

A fairly common, and understandable, question digital marketers get is “Does PPC impact SEO and vice versa?”. The answer to this question is, technically, no. According to Google, “Advertising on Google has no impact on your organic or natural ranking in the search... Read More

November 13

Recycling: What Those 3 Arrows Actually Mean

We all recognize the 3 cycling arrows as the universal symbol for “recycling”. We see them on packaging for most things from milk jugs, soda cans, grocery sacks, shampoo bottles and cereal boxes. As children, most of us learned to look for... Read More