To the Point Home Services Podcast

The Home Services Podcast That Gives Back

Episode 43: C-Level Consulting for Next Level Contractors

November 10, 2020

Episode 43: C-Level Consulting for Next Level Contractors

Published: November 10, 2020

Ashlee Aldridge has helped many huge companies like DSW, Restoration Hardware, West Marine, and Zales grow and implement new strategies. Now, she’s turning her focus to smaller businesses. Managing Partner & CEO of Reach Partners, Ashlee is spearheading the reachXOD program to bring transformational business advice to contractors big and small!

She’s a transformation specialist, and brings together the people, processes, and technology to allow businesses to change for the better. Ashlee has overseen ecommerce, IT departments, direct business, and virtually every aspect of a company and knows what it takes to steer the ship in the right direction.

Reach Partners

With over 20 years of experience as a C-level executive, Ashlee brings extremely valuable insight to her small woman-run business. She is CEO and Managing Partner of Reach Partners, a management consulting firm that helps companies both large and small grow, transform, reposition, and replatform for success.

One of the things Ashlee notes that may surprise many is that the issues a small, sub-million dollar business and a multi-billion dollar organization face are exactly the same! The difference lies in the emphasis that is placed on them, and the speed with which new ideas and strategies can be implemented. Regardless of size every business needs revenue and growth, and has limited resources to manage people, experience, products, and financials.

The nimbleness of a small business is challenging, but extremely opportunistic if you think about it in the right way. However, many contractors and small businesses struggle to change the way they operate and have blind spots that can be tough to identify internally. Especially during this pandemic, it’s important to reach out for help when you need it most.


As the COVID crisis accelerated, Reach Partners had to make a huge pivot in their strategic planning. They serve clients by helping them solve strategic problems, and the pandemic certainly qualifies as such. Since they’re experts at helping businesses try new strategies and disrupt markets, they had the idea to disrupt the advisory market themselves! This led to the creation of reachXOD, a sister company to Reach Partners.

80% of executives sitting in seats feel alone, and that goes for both large and small businesses. It’s isolating, and being lonely at the top isn’t just a saying—it’s a real thing. reachXOD solves a very real problem for businesses, and that’s attaining extremely valuable business advice from actual C-level executives at an affordable price. Most companies, including the average HVAC/plumbing/electrical contractor, don’t have the resources to hire a top-level business advisor for a few months. It’s just not feasible, especially now when cash flow is at a premium. With reachXOD, you can take advantage of the connections through Ashlee and Reach Partners, scheduling advice on demand from actual Fortune 100 and 500 board members and executives to help you navigate the business world.

How can reachXOD help?

While your business is unique, the problems you’re facing are anything but. The number one reason small businesses fail is that they run out of cash. Following cash flow issues, the next most common reasons are the owner/executive team not having access to the talent they need, and not having a business plan. If you don’t have the tools and financial resources to go out and get business advice and support to figure these things out, it makes it hard to grow and succeed. With reachXOD, you can schedule help on demand and by the hour. You don’t have to invest tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to get real advice from experts anymore.

What types of executives work with reachXOD?

reachXOD isn’t just some group of average consultants. These are real executives sitting in a seat in a board role, with an average of 15 years in the seat. Almost all are Fortune 100 or 500 individuals who have been transformational leaders. They’ve wrestled with growth and all of the challenges you’re facing, and are talent that simply wouldn’t be accessible to the average small business otherwise.

These executives are excited to give back and help others find success. They aren’t in this for the money, but to make small business connections and help you succeed in the face of issues they’ve been through before. From networking and budgeting to employee issues, new product rollouts, and everything in between, they can help you make advanced business decisions that come from years of high-level experience.

Is reachXOD right for me?

Whether you’re just starting a small plumbing company or looking to reach the 20-million dollar mark as an HVAC business, chances are there are issues that you don’t know how to approach. Maybe your financials are out of order, or you want to expand to a new territory and don’t know how to go about it. Or, like so many others, you don’t have a real business plan.

With reachXOD, you can schedule a few hours of specific advice this week, several another, and completely customize your advisory experience. You can scale it as you grow and face new problems, or use the advice to continue in a new direction. You need to get an advisor that is not in your shop, that will challenge you, that will challenge the way you’ve always done things, and help you think bigger. In other words, if you run a small business, it’s a no-brainer to look into reachXOD.

Use The Tools At Your Disposal

As always, we encourage you to investigate and take advantage the resources and connections we’re excited to bring you through To The Point. Whether you’re a small business struggling with the strategical nightmare that is COVID or you have an ongoing strategic issue you’ve been dealing with years, reachXOD is a great solution for getting top-tier business advice that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

You can learn more by visiting the reachXOD website, or by calling them at 844-243-6546.

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