Episode 241

How to Lead Home Services Companies At the Highest Level

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How critical is great leadership to your home services business? We welcome Brian Remington, General Manager of On Time Experts to tell his story and discuss why developing great leaders is the key to building a successful home services company.

Brian’s superpower is in training, coaching, and developing leaders and managers. From Growing Fix-It in Denver from 2M to 19M in a 3-year span to growing On-Time Experts in DFW from 12M to now 30M, his track record speaks for itself. Listen now to get some actionable insights into how you can better yourself and your team as leaders!

From Coaching Athletes to Business Leaders

While Brian’s career in the world of Division 1 athletics was taking off, he was already thinking about his future. The 90-100 work weeks and travel weren’t going to be great if he ever wanted to settle down and start a family. So, he decided to join longtime friend and former podcast guest George Donaldson out in California and start selling air conditioners.

Selling AC wasn’t something that came quickly to Brian, but after a few stumbles and false starts, he was off to the races. Just like in athletics, Brian found there was just as much opportunity to have impact and help people become better versions of themselves in the home services industry.

After successfully growing a few businesses, Brian is now playing a big part in Fix-It Group being on pace for 100M this year.

In this episode, we talk to Brian Remington about:
  • Being the youngest Strength & Conditioning Coach in Division 1 athletics history
  • Deciding to leave his promising career and join his friend George Donaldson to start selling air conditioners
  • Key leadership qualities to look for and coach to
  • Questions to ask during interviews when finding new leaders for your business
  • How to prepare your managers to lead effectively during high-stress situations
  • What leaders can do to manage low team morale
  • Why everyone needs a coach
  • Effective team meeting cadence & frequency
  • And more!

Leaders are Learners

According to Brian Remington, if your “Why” isn’t big, your “Why Not” will be bigger. Being a leader means knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing, and then the next step is continuing to learn. From podcasts and books to going to church, Brian is always finding ways to feed himself so he can continue pouring out into others. By knowing his Why, continuing to learn, and surrounding himself with people who have the same heart and mentality, he’s looking forward to many more years of impactful leadership.


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