October 15, 2024
On this episode of To The Point, we welcome Steve Little, President & Partner of KPost Company! Also the Founding Partner & CEO of National Roofing Partners (NRP), Steve is an incredible human being with a lot of insight into how to start, scale, and succeed when it comes to a trades business.
From how to keep employee retention sky-high to how to find those coveted A-players for your business, Steve shares a ton of insights in today’s episode. Listen or watch now!
In the early 2000’s, Steve Little found himself unhappy with his current job – and like many before and since, he decided to go across the street and open up his own business. Along with partner Keith Post and CFO James Williams, the trio started KPost Roofing in late 2003 out in Dallas-Fort Worth.
As big sports guys, the group had a gameplan. They were going to do 6M, 8M, and 10M in their first 3 years with no more than 100 employees and go home at 5pm every night. Looking back, Steve can say with confidence they weren’t thinking big enough. They’ve cultivated a great group and supported each other, and now they are a top-of-mind roofing, waterproofing, and Tesla solar contractor poised to hit the 123M mark this year – all from a single location.
Want to know how they did it? Listen to the podcast now!
According to Steve, the biggest decision business owners need to make is what to invest in – and he doesn’t mean financially. Are you investing in getting yourself help with the business? Are you investing in your employees? What kind of return on investment are you looking for? Are you building a platform, a skeleton, or a blueprint?
At the end of the day, you can’t do it yourself. You need to build a great team, invest your efforts into the right things, and start with the end in mind. That’s what has made Steve and KPost Company great!