At RYNO Strategic Solutions, transparency is integral to what we do. It’s imperative to our process that we give you real, raw data about your campaign and how it’s performing. No smoke in mirrors, and no fluffing the numbers!

Today, we’re taking a look at a case study of one of our clients, Black-Haak!


Black-Haak started in 1956, and serves a wide area in Wisconsin with a full range of heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical services. They joined RYNO Strategic Solutions in late 2020 as an Inc. 500 fastest-growing company.

At the height of the pandemic, many companies were pulling back their marketing and operating with fear. Black-Haak was ready to take things to the next level.

Black-Haak Logo

They wanted a new website that looked great and had a good experience for their customers. Of course, they also wanted to grow! Let’s take a look at how their campaign has fared thus far.

By The Numbers

We’ll be taking a look at some of the key performance indicators that show how well the campaign is performing. What gets measured gets managed, and the data is the true test of success.

CPL Overview

During the first month of their campaign, cost-per-lead (CPL) was as high as $159.53. One year into the campaign, CPL was as low as $37.46. Today, CPL remains significantly lower than when Black-Haak first launched with RYNO.

  • December 2020: $139.59 – $159.53 (first month post-lauch)
  • March 2021: $104.36 – $109.39 (3 months post-launch)
  • June 2021: $75.67 – $93.99 (6 months post-launch)
  • November 2021: $37.46 – $43.64 (1 year post-launch)
  • November 2022: $59.13 – $79.76 (2 years post-launch)
  • June 2023: $51.49 – $86.72 (2.5 years post-launch)


As with most SEO campaigns, it takes time for organic local search results to really roll in – but roll in, they did! By the 2-year mark, monthly organic user volume spiked and continues to increase into Q3 of 2023.

The uptick after December 2022 really happened when Black-Haak’s blogs started to gain top positions and featured snippets on Google. High-quality content = pageviews and snippets!

Top Pages / Posts
(Data taken from November 2022 – June 2023)

The total pageviews from these pages and posts totals a whopping: 134,069. That’s real traffic to the site which means more and more lead-generation opportunities, which is what this game is all about. Plus, it signals to Google that the site and the content within is something worth pointing users to!

Organic Users

From November 2022 – June 2023, you can see organic user growth spike. This is tied to the increase in visibility and ranking for many of the site’s blogs and featured snippets.

Black-Haak Organic Users

Organic Keyword Rankings, YoY

Targeting and tracking keywords is vital in an SEO campaign. You need to know what keywords will bring in the leads the business needs, and then be able to see how well you’re ranking for those keywords – as well as how many keywords you’re ranking for!

November 2020

November 2021

November 2022

At the start of the campaign, Black-Haak’s website was ranking for only 252 keywords and saw low traffic. Year over year with RYNO, these numbers have only risen. The numbers don’t lie! Today, the site ranks for over 4,000 keywords and has seen over 200% growth in monthly traffic.

company icon

Do You Know How You’re Performing?

We harp on it time and time again. Providing our clients with real, raw data is the transparency you deserve. We track a wide range of KPIs to help us and our clients better understand how the campaign is performing and to see what is working – and what opportunities we have to improve.

If you’d like to connect with us to talk about your opportunities and see if RYNO Strategic Solutions and your business are a good fit, reach out today!