June 6, 2023
Welcome back for part two with our guest Jonathan Bancroft, President of Morris-Jenkins! Jonathan and his team have built Morris-Jenkins to last – going from a small contractor to a 100MM+ market leader. It’s been steady growth and progression for the last few decades, and we’re ready to dive back into our conversation with Jonathan about what has made him and the organization so incredibly successful.
If you missed part 1 with Jonathan, go back and check it out first!
Jonathan is constantly looking at what Morris-Jenkins can do, versus what their competitors can do. Making it easier to do business with Morris-Jenkins is the guiding light that has given direction to many of the decisions Jonathan and his team have made over the years. That includes being fully staffed and available for their customers til midnight, 365 days a year. Not an easy accomplishment!
Everything they’ve built is fully intentional, down to the very culture that Morris-Jenkins is comprised of. Making these big moves and investment in their team has allowed them to scale, and be projected for 150MM in top-line revenue this year!
It’s been a real pleasure to have Jonathan on To The Point! Remember, his story of success all started with showing up for an interview – not knowing his path forward. From coil cleaning to President, this episode shows what hard work and intentionality can yield. It’s worth pointing out – Jonathan learned from others and wasn’t afraid to ask for help. It’s a common theme with our guests!