To the Point Home Services Podcast

The Home Services Podcast That Gives Back

Episode 223: Purpose, Process & Payoff in Business & Life

May 28, 2024

Episode 223: Purpose, Process & Payoff in Business & Life

Published: May 28, 2024


Whether you’re a fresh technician out of trade school or a seasoned business owner, this episode is equally important. Today, hosts Chris Yano and Chad Peterman are talking about the core of everything you do. What it all traces back to, and what defines your vision, your journey, and your end results. We’re talking about Purpose.

There has to be a purpose behind what you’re doing! If you don’t have one or if you’ve lost sight of what that is, this episode might just help you find your way – or at least help you redefine it to help you move forward. Let’s dive in!

More Than Money

Your purpose can’t just be “make money”. That’s not going to get you anywhere, especially if you’re a leader. Maybe today your purpose is just finding a job. Or maybe it’s just keeping a roof over your head, or keeping your small home services business afloat for another month. These are all fine! Whatever it is, your purpose is going to define you. It will shape your goals. Your future. And the best part is – you can define and redefine your purpose as needed. In fact, you can define your purpose right here and right now.

What are you trying to accomplish? What are your own personal core values? Take a moment to reflect on these things, and you’ll soon have your purpose.

On today’s episode, Chris and Chad talk about:
  • How your purpose can naturally change over the years based on both professional and personal circumstances
  • The difference between finding work/life balance, and work/life purpose
  • Why purpose naturally evolves over time as you grow your business
  • How culture in your organization is defined and solidified by realizing purpose
  • Why your purpose can change, but your core values are going to stay pretty consistent
  • Purpose as a recruitment tool
  • The importance of frequent reflection and reiterating of purpose to yourself and your team
  • Asking yourself the question “do I love what I do?”, and using that to help guide your sense of purpose
  • How purpose and identity can get tangled when it comes to business and your personal life
  • And more!

Find Your Purpose

If you’re a leader, you often put people first. When it comes to purpose, however, it’s okay to be a little selfish. You have to put purpose first or you’re going to let your people down. Your purpose and core values are going to give you and your business a measuring stick for what’s acceptable. It will ground you and give you something to help make those tough decisions. And having purpose in an organization gives people more reason to put their heart into it than just clocking in and out for a paycheck.

No matter what stage of business or life you’re in, there’s never a better time than now to reflect and either define or recalibrate your purpose. What sets you apart from the herd? If you haven’t found your purpose, today is that day. NO. ZERO. DAYS.

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